Hemingways Hotel
Sparkling Pool
Hemingways Hotel
Hotel Services
Hemingways Hotel Dining
Everyday Breakfast

Services & Amenities

Free Wi-Fi, Pool, Gym & Business Services, Entertainment Nearby

Enjoy a refreshing swim in our outdoor pool while you unwind in the shade of the palm trees at Hemingways Hotel. Keep on track with your fitness regime in the well-equipped gym, and stay connected to family, friends and colleagues with free unlimited Wi-Fi . Make use of our professional business services and facilities, or enjoy all the entertainment at the adjoining and easily accessible Hemingways Casino. And experience services and amenities and the outstanding warmth of the staff at the Tripadvisor Travellers’ Choice awarded Hemingways Hotel in East London.

Some services or amenities may not be available on-site at Hemingways Hotel premises and may incur additional costs for the guest’s own account. Please view the available services and amenities below.

Pool & Fitness Centre

Keeping on track with your health and fitness goals is easy at Heminways Hotel, whether you prefer to work up a sweat on the bicycle or treadmill, do some yoga on the mats or do some weight training. Our Fitness Centre is equipped for all your needs and available throughout your stay. Our outdoor pool also offers the opportunity for lounging, swimming or playing with the kids.

Free Uncapped Wi-Fi

Your stay at Hemingways Hotel includes free uncapped Wi-Fi that’s easily accessible and effortless.

Free Parking

Guests receive undercover parking free of charge for the duration of their stay.

Hotel & Business Services

You’ll find a variety of hotel services designed to meet your every need at Hemingways Hotel, including concierge services, dry-cleaning, laundry, parking, in-room dining, as well as babysitting and other services on request. Business guests have access to courier, copying and printing, self-service workstations and other professional services.

Shopping & Entertainment

With Hemingways Casino and Hemingways Mall on your doorstep there’s plenty to keep you occupied in your leisure time in East London. From movies to family-friendly fun, leading retail stores, a variety of restaurants, casino and more, a stay at Hemingways Casino puts you at the centre of the action.